I'd make a joke here about "using my super anxiety powers for good, not evil," but super anxiety isn't good for much of anything.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I'm back online after nearly a week without internet access! I just moved to a spiffy new place then had the phone company jerk me around for a few days while they got my internet connection working. Stay tuned for new posts!
I am a 28ish year old male living, working, and scraping by somewhere in the state of New York. I recently completed a Master's degree in the Fine Arts, which means little more than say I've gone into massive debt to learn how to think too much and I've promptly gone on to do absolutely nothing with this advanced degree.
This blog is a chronicle of my thoughts, feelings, and adventures as I continues my lifelong struggle with depression and social anxiety.
I am in a constant state of getting my shit together while simultaneously losing my marbles.
(Avatar is from Arthur Tress' photograph, Girl with Dunce's Cap, 1972.)
All names on this site, people mentioned as being part of my personal life, have been changed to protect anyone and everyone involved.
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